

Monday, December 8, 2014

Everything Barbados

Hi, this is Michelle and here are some things I could get used to if I lived in Barbados:
1. Going through several bottles of sunscreen each week and putting it on everyday as a part of my morning routine before brushing my teeth so I can get the taste of sunscreen out of my mouth.
2. Driving on the left side of the road and fearing for my life because the streets are so narrow
3. Stores not having set hours; they are on "island time" and they close when they want to everyday.
4. Never wearing a winter coat, gloves, or scarfs ever again.
5. Having sand everywhere in my living area and my shower.
6. Paying 9 American dollars for ice cream and 18 American dollars for a package of bacon
7. Drinking coconut milk instead of real milk
8. Not having snow on Christmas
9. Calling French fries 'chips'
10. The Barbados accent, man :)
11. Hearing steel drum bands almost everywhere I go
Fresh Coconuts

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