

Monday, December 1, 2014

NCC Swim and Dive Team Goes to Barbados!

This year, the swim and dive team will be heading to Barbados for our training trip!  This year is very special because our team travels internationally only once every 4 years for this particular trip.  We are fortunate for this wonderful opportunity to train hard, explore another country, and create experiences that will last a lifetime!
As you can imagine, our team has been extremely excited about this opportunity since they learned about it a couple months ago.  We even made a "countdown until Barbados" that has been displayed for weeks in our training facility at Merner Fieldhouse. Our current countdown:  3 days until Barbados!
Once we arrive in Barbados, we will have lots to talk about!  Stay posted to learn more about our day-to-day practices, competitions, experiences, and explorations!

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